A scene from the new cross-cultural milk advertisement. In 1995, the California Milk Processor Board's advertising agency, Goodby, Silverstein and Partners, created the iconic "Got Milk?" slogan
If robots are the next evolution of milking cows on a large scale, then the future is here already. Except it is happening slowly and not at all in the U.S. . . . yet
June. It's National Dairy Month. With dairy products and our nation's food under scrutiny, it would be easy to just sit out June Dairy Month altogether this year
We live in a world that places a heavy emphasis on health and fitness. Within the past decade, food consumption habits have changed drastically, as people strive to improve their dietary choices
Many studies demonstrate that milk consumption improves health and lowers an individual's risk of chronic disease. For over 50 years, the concept of eating healthy has been synonymous with avoiding dietary...
Record milk prices give milk producers a financial opportunity that is simply too good to ignore – dry pen and hospital pen cooling. They're no-brainer investments whose benefits touch every area...
Garrett Oetzel, University of Wisconsin, presented "Cows and their calcium", in our Monday, March 10 webinar. For 30 years our presenter has studied the topic. With development of a new calf and the onset...
Several swollen hocks or neck abscesses might tell us that our stalls need more bedding or our neck rail height needs to be adjusted. Similarly, bruises on a carcass can reveal a lot about welfare once...
New research found that painful procedures, like dehorning, made calves more pessimistic. Dehorning causes some amount of pain, which we recognize based on behavioral changes, such as head shaking, ear...
"People's lives are written on the fields of old farms." You know that moment when you bump into another farmer and he starts in on a story illustrating the love of what he does? The farmer says he could...
New HumaneWatch.org report reveals continued inaction by HSUS when it comes to aiding animals by funding shelters. Ads for dogs and cats in undesirable conditions make many of us uncomfortable. They are...
Here's a hint: it's no one who exports dairy products. Take heart U.S. milk producers, your farms aren't alone in seeing the cost of production soar during the 21st century. All around the world, most...
Richard Caverly, Benton, Maine, won the coveted Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award presented during the 47th World Dairy Expo, in memory of Duncan McKenzie, 1961 Klussendorf winner
The Penterman family of Holland's Family Cheese is embracing the Wisconsin cheese-making tradition and adding a Dutch flare. Marieke and Rolf Penterman have a passion for dairying that was larger than...
Along with valuable information and products, the trade show offers a wide variety of freebies to Expo attendees. The World Dairy Expo trade show attracts members of the dairy community from all across...
As the beef cattle herd continues to shrink, dairy steer growers have options to consider to enhance beef production. Dairy steers are becoming a growing part of the beef industry. The number of beef cows...
A smart - and attainable - goal is 200,000. The list of reasons why dairies should constantly work to lower their herd somatic cell count (SCC) is both long and old. Reasons that were good decades ago...
Why California dairies should plan on having strict emissions regulations forever. If dairies in California need a reminder about why they operate under the most strict air quality emissions regulations...
For over half a century, the concept of healthy eating has become synonymous with avoiding fat, especially saturated fats, noted Adam Lock, Michigan State University, at the Southwest Nutrition and Management...